Melrose Park Public School

Learning and Growing Together

Telephone02 9874 4669

Extra curricular activities

Melrose Park offers so much more through an extensive range of extra-curricular activities.


Band programs operate on Wednesdays. Students have the opportunity to learn a range of musical instruments and showcase their skills at assemblies and performance evenings.


Students interested in developing their skills in chess are offered to be part of a lunch time program. Many students are selected to participate in competitions against other local schools.


Students from Year 3 to 6 are eligible to participate in choir and enhance their vocal skills through participation in weekly rehearsals, school and local performances. Many students are selected to perform at the Ryde School Spectacular held at the Sydney Opera House.


Students have opportunities to participate in dance programs. Many are selected to perform at the Ryde School Spectacular.


At Melrose Park, we pride ourselves on our commitment to the environment. Students learn about the environment, sustainability and biodiversity through their involvement in gardening activities and are active participants in the growing, harvesting and cooking of produce from our outstanding kitchen garden. Students in the green team are given daily responsibilities to care for and maintain the beautiful gardens within our school. Our students are fortunate enough to receive additional education through the seed harvest spoon program.

Information and communications technology explorers 

Students look forward to participating in this information and communications technology completion each year.

Public speaking

All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are involved in public speaking activities where they develop their skills in talking and listening and are provided with opportunities to present in front of audiences. Debating is organised for students from Year 3 to 6 where they represent the school at local competitions. 


Opportunities exist for all students Kindergarten to Year 6 to learn the recorder throughout the year. They enhance their music skills through participation in rehearsals and school performances.


Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are introduced to the fundamentals of computer programming using bee-bots and lego robotics. Students from Years 3 to 6 can participate in building and programming robots to participate in a number of open-ended challenges. Interested students meet at lunchtime or at an after-school group each Wednesday to work with a variety of robots. The highlight of the program is competing in the Melrose Park Public School robocup which is held at the end of Term 4.

Seed harvest spoon 

A wonderful environmental enrichment program, providing students with an awareness of the importance of environmental sustainability.