Melrose Park Public School

Learning and Growing Together

Telephone02 9874 4669

Woolworths Landcare grant

Woolworths Landcare grant advertising

This year we received a Woolworths Land Care grant which allowed us to install a Hungry Worm bin near the eating area and an in-ground bin near the Year 1-3 classrooms. Earlier this term, students in 1-3 were lucky to participate in a fun and informative worm incursion sponsored by Parramatta Council and run by Urban Grow.
The grant also allowed us to install new yellow recycling bins in all classrooms.  Thank you to the Melrose Park PS P&C who also supplied us with new red rubbish bins to match.

Thank you also to Woolworths and Landcare

We hope this initiative will encourage our students to dispose of their waste in the correct bins.